Halesworth and District Museum
The Railway Station, Station Road
Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8BZ
email: office@halesworthmuseum.org.uk
Museum Telephone 07552 508893 (only answered when the Museum office is open, in the event of the phone not being answered call the Curator on 07715 679711)
Name Telephone e-mail Chairman of Trustees David Wollweber 01986 312283
07890 312283 dave.wollweber@gmail.com Treasurer & Curator Brian Howard 01986 875551
07715 679711 brian@iminter.co.uk Publicity Officer Janis Smy Volunteer Co-ordinator Pauline Wilcock 01986 873557 empa.wilcock@sky.com Steward Co-ordinator Sue Clapson 01986 874317 sueclapson48@talktalk.net Webmaster Brian Howard 01986 875551
07715 679711 brian@iminter.co.uk